Yes. I'm afraid the rumours are True.
Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens are not maintained by magic pixies but (whisper it) by human beings whom we call VOLUNTEERS!! These talented folk who use their experience and skills to keep this unique peice of local history alive, and who also have a great time doing it.
VOLUNTEERS can be tricky to find, but we need more of them. We are hunting for YOU!
Our VOLUNTEERS make new friends, learn new skills, and gain a huge sense of responsibility and achievement by making a huge difference to this internationally recognised piece of British heritage. They also get a chance to work in the open air surrounded by the oustanding natural beauty they they helped to create and maintain: It lifts the spirits!
Our VOLUNTEERS also spread their enthusiasm to our vistiors, telling them all sorts of fantastic things, thus making them want to come back again and again!
Ssh! Want to know what the biggest secret is? Being a Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens VOLUNTEER is FUN! FUN! FUN!!!
Please help us out! You have what we need!
Here are just a few (but by no means all) of the areas where VOLUNTEERS are desperately wanted:
Teaching. |
Serving refreshments to visitors inside... |
...and outside. |
Planting bulbs, |
widening pathways, |
, |
clearing the orchards, |
pruning, |
painting, |
, |
weeding, |
operating big orange-things that go 'buzzz!!!', |
growing hanging baskets, |
doing Tai Chi (he's a car park attendant actually. - ED), |
trimming Pelagoniums, |
sorting pots,
cavorting outside sheds, | |
general plant TLC, |
and guarding the place (actually I think that job may be taken already!).
YES - |
PLEASE contact Sue Brain, Castle Bromwich Hall and Gardens Trust, Chester Road, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham, B36 9BT.
Telephone / Fax: 0121 749 4100, or have a chat with one of our VOLUNTEERS when you visit us.
Corporate VOLUNTEERS are very welcome too! Why not choose us for your Team Building days?
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